Robbery Lawyer in Winnipeg


Understanding Robbery Charges

Robbery encompasses a wide range of offenses, from street muggings to organized bank heists. In Canada, robbery can be committed in three ways:

  1. Theft using violence or threats of violence against the victim or their property.
  2. Assault with intent to steal from the victim.
  3. Theft while armed with a real or imitation weapon.

Sentencing for Robbery

Robbery is a severe offense that carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. Even first-time offenders without criminal records are likely to face jail time. If a firearm was used during the robbery, there is a minimum sentence of four years (or five years for restricted or prohibited firearms). Robberies committed for the benefit of or at the direction of a criminal organization carry a minimum sentence of five years.

The sentence for robbery can vary widely depending on the specific circumstances of the offense. Factors that a judge may consider when sentencing an offender include:

  • Use of a weapon or firearm to threaten or harm the victim
  • Motivation of the robbery (e.g. religion, race, disability, sexual orientation)
  • Level of force used during the offense
  • Harm caused to the victim
  • Level of planning
  • Duration of the incident
  • Attempts to conceal identity
  • Value of stolen goods

Defending Robbery Charges

There are several possible defenses against robbery charges, depending on the facts of the case. As a defense lawyer, I conduct a thorough review of all the evidence obtained by the police during their investigation to identify any weaknesses in the Crown’s case. Some common questions I consider during this review include:

  • Can the Crown prove the identity of the suspect?
  • Can the Crown prove that the complainant had the right to the property?
  • Did the accused have a claim or right to the property?
  • Was the alleged offense actually only an assault, threat, or theft?

In some cases, it may be possible to negotiate with the Crown for a reduced charge, such as assault, uttering threats, or theft, in order to achieve the best possible outcome for my clients. I have successfully helped many clients in Winnipeg navigate robbery charges and obtain favorable results.

Related Robbery Topics

  1. How can the Crown Attorney prove the identity of the suspect though an eyewitness?

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